Javaris, who played on Memphis, The Lakers and The Wizards, allegedly did a drive by and SHOT an innocent woman and KILLED HER. All because he was trying to shoot some goons who robbed him.
Here is how the Atlanta Journal Constitution is reporting it:
“It appears Mr. Crittenton observed who he thought was the perpetrator walking down the street," Major Keith Meadows told the AJC. "It so happens Miss Jones was walking down the street at the same time."
Jones was walking with others near her Macon Drive home in southwest Atlanta around 10 p.m. Aug. 19 when she was shot, police said. Several witnesses told police the shots were fired from a black Chevrolet Tahoe.
Jones was struck in the leg and later died during surgery. Two men walking with Jones fled and were not injured, and investigators now believe one of those men was the intended target.
Investigators believe Crittenton may have been seeking retaliation after being robbed of his jewelry April 21, Meadows said. Crittenton reported that crime to police.
This dude is a MONSTER. If anyone knows of his whereaboute PLEASE contact the authorities. Think about that poor innocent woman . . . and her children!!!