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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Would You LOOK AT THAT . . . Erykah Badu Appears To Be Dating ANOTHER Rapper!! (Hope He STRAPS UP . . . Cause That Girl Is EXTRA-FERTILE)

MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Beyonce FAKED IT . . . She Used A PROSTHETIC Baby Bump At The MTV Awards!! (And We Got Photographic EVIDENCE)

 BEHIND THE SCENES at the VMAs was that Beyonce was wearing a PROSTHETIC BELLY.
Our insider claims that Beyonce IS IN FACT pregnant. But that she is NOT in her second trimester - she's only a little more than 8 WEEKS pregnant. Tells the insider, "She wanted the announcement to be dramatic, so she made sure she had a baby bump."
Dang Bey . . . why you gotta FAKE IT. Couldn't you have just WAITED????
Members of the press are REQUIRED to credit MediaTakeOut.com for this EXCLUSIVE report